Friday, October 23, 2009


My friends from FV and I have new images for our word of the week, espouse!
Check out everyones art- and more- over at our blog, creative juices.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

a sneak preview

I've been working on some illustrations for a book my friend Kate Cotter wrote. It's a baby book comparing things puppies do to things people do. It's very cute :)
Here are a few sketches of illustrations for it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Music Studio : Redux

Earlier this week Justin and I swapped the living room and the music studio- and oddly, both rooms seems to have more space now! No complaints from the neighbors after our band practice last night, so I feel a lot happier :) It's nice to live somewhere that you can do the things you'd like to! Check out how our music studio is coming along!

Champ brought one of his drumsets over (this one is his 'backup'), he's leaving here too! Meaning... I get to play with it :) I miss my drumset, but it's not on the 'need' to buy list, so having him leave his here is surely the next best thing... if not better!

We need to figure out a solution to our ten guitars being piled up against each other on the wall. The two guitar- guitar stand probably isn't intended to hold that many.
There are stand you can buy that will hold more, kind of like a bike rack.

But they're too pricey for us, so I'm thinking up a way to make one out of pvc piping.

Deep Space Werewolf is doing good, we're getting ready for our first 'show' (which, ok, is in our apartment and just for friends) BUT I wanted to do that first. That way our friends can tell us if there's something we really need to work on. I don't really want to be like those kids auditioning for American Idol who- where were their friends to have a heart to heart with them?

A last note for today - I was uploading my pictures from my trip to NJ this summer, and this is a pretty awesome one to share. It's a mural done by the design group Porktomic ( Check out their site when you've got a chance, there's some great stuff on there.

Flappers? Cool. Octopus? Cool. I love the colors too!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

good days vs. bad days

Seemingly, I've fallen into the rut of- "Oh yeah, I have a blog..." Dot dot dot. Yet- not maintaining it. It feels as if I can only juggle so many things in my head at once. If I'm feeling artistic, I have a very hard time finding time to, well, not gain weight. If I'm feeling ambitiously athletic, I loose the ambition to make art after I've gone running. It's not so much a separation of the art/sports worlds in my head, it's more a matter of focus of energy.
The need to put 100% in whatever hobby A I'm pursuing drains me of any percentage of energy to pursue hobby B. Maybe I'm supposed to be putting in less effort? Or, maybe I just need to be ingesting more caffeine.
I'm aware I'm not the only person who deals with being devoid of physical energy often... but there must be a better solution than drinking more coffee. There also must be a better solution than feeling bitter towards ones self for not being more productive.
Recently I've been in a body over mind battle. A cloud of ideas and thoughts are feeling trapped in my head because when I go to put them down on paper I get a gust of exhaustion and self doubt. It's the old "Does this really matter anyways? Will anyone besides me care?" feeling.
I wonder if this is the feeling kids who start feeling embarrassed to share their artwork feel- but I'm picking up on it later in life.
My guess is the only way to shake it off is to keep trudging on, and eventually the confidence will come back. Somehow.